Completed Projects
Arranged by Discipline
Although updated regularly, the listings above may not include very recent AECOS reports. AECOS logo in picture
Marine Surveys Wetland delineation boat on the ocean

AECOS, Inc. has provided the services of scientists and facilities in environmental fields to clients throughout the Pacific region since 1971—over fifty years of preparing professional reports for diverse clients with diverse needs in the ecological, biological, and water quality sciences. Over all of those years we have maintained an accessable list of our more than 1800 report titles and this page provides access to a majority of those titles.

If interested in obtaining a copy of a report listed here (and if not a public document, the client does not object to its release), send an email to the AECOS Inc. office []. It is important to provide the correct AECOS job number in your request. Documents distributed as a .PDF emailed back to you are provided at no charge, although not all older documents are available that way. Additionally, some reports listed here were produced by others; AECOS shares co-authorship but cannot honor requests for copies of these particular reports; the entity producing the report (given in brackets) should be contacted.

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Page last modified: June 21, 2023
     by Webmaster (

Background photo: Montipora digitata, Majuro lagoon (credit: Dr. S. L. Coles).